Ebook Free Download | CCDA 640-864 Official Cert Guide, 4th Edition | The dominant computer networking company is Cisco. So if you aspire to be a network manager, being certified in Cisco products can be an important qualification. To help you pass the CCDA DESGN exam, the authors of this book compiled a massive study aid. Each chapter is prefaced by a 'Do I know this already' quiz. A few pages of multiple choice questions. None seems particularly hard or conceptually deep. This is a nice format for what is meant to be a purely functional, single purpose book. Perhaps like the venerable Schaum's Outline series, fleshed out with more narrative. I wonder why I don't see this more often. Often texts for exam preparation have quizzes at the end of chapters; not at the start. As usual with most Cisco books, the network diagrams are well drawn and usually simple. An invaluable aid to understanding the accompanying narrative. Often, the diagrams reduce the discussion of a network topology or routing to the minimal essence in graphical form. This pictorial representation might be what really makes a lot of text coherent to the reader.
The book can serve another purpose. The grouping of information into the various chapters is a handy way to study networking. Several of the chapters, like those on Internet Protocol version 4 and version 6, can be regarded as quite generic; ie. not about Cisco products and their specific properties. Likewise with the chapter on managing security. This talks about 3rd party tools (think Nmap, Nessus and Kismet as examples) and the overall design of a network.
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